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On a short note, I'm a christian. I believe in Orthodoxy, but I also believe people can get saved in other christian denominations too. I don't uphold different denominations serving "common masses" though.
Jesus Christ already saved us from all our sins, though we still must receive this by faith with thanks (thanks is an action, making our faith alive) -- and Himself into our heart -- for it to become truly true to us. Yet the harder the sin, the harder it is sometimes to believe this, which is where repenance -- and sometimes tears -- help.
When the Spirit fills us to the brim, the Blood of Jesus (which IS the Spirit, because the Spirit is Life, yet it's written that blood of every creature is its life) washes the walls of our heart top to bottom, covering the shame of our sin nature with its sparkling-white robe (these are all images from the Bible) and making us ready to enter the eternal feast unashamed. And we can ask for the Spirit -- God gives it to those who ask. But when we ask, let's thank that we receive for as long as we feel we haven't yet -- until we feel we have (the fuits of the Spirit such as special tranquility will let us know us that we have). This is because when we ask, we are told to also believe that we receive, so as to actually receive. Because to those who knock, it shall be opened if they just keep on knocking.
Evereything was forgiven, even the unforgivable, because commandment is for man (Sabbath is a commandment) and not otherwise (please see the related verse).
The mark of the beast is the seal of the spirit of this world which seals us the moment we loose the Holy Spirit through neglected guilt, which is the same as to say that our faith gets shipwrecked, as St. Paul put it.
Good works for the other christians in need can't save us as long as we trust in them for salvation. This is because the trust in something created is the trust in something symbolized by a 6, because God created everything in 6 days, so everything created can be symbolized by a 6. And when we trust in the works of our hands, we receive the spirit of faith for salvation in things that don't have eyes or ears to hear. And from the Old Testament we only oh so well know how that ends. And if we haven't trusted in them, these works will actually provide the last washing of the Blood of Jesus ("blood of grapes", where grapes are our works) at the Great Judgement, where all those that didn't have the filling of the Holy Spririt at the moment of their death go (I will paraphrase a verse: whoever has the Spirit of faith, does not come to the Judgement, but has already passed from death to life). So, works like that are good and we should gather at least some.
In fact, we can only securely trust for salvation in having clear consience and the presence of the Holy Spirit inside of us -- the oil in the lamps of the wise virgins. And when we loose that -- to immediately try to restore it, because the time is close! As for those who say that they can't loose salvation, they only deceive themselves. The words of the apostle are clear: "holding on to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and so have suffered shipwreck with regard to the faith". Nor is it true that we can be completely delievered from our sin nature in this life. Parts of it God will always leave in us -- the thorn in the flesh to remind us that we are but men. In the following verses the apostle John speaks of two different kinds of sin: "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us ... If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us". The first is our inherited and partly developed "sin nature", which is the bundle of "lusts" (evil tendencies, leanings, habbits) that remain in us, and the second is the sin deeds which we work by these lusts. When the Spirit fills us, our flesh is dead in the sense that the lusts deaden and fall asleep. But the moment we loose the Spirit, they awaken and move us to sin. This is why those who are born of God (i.e. have the Spirit of adoption) do not sin, as is written.
Great distress is already starting to happen in the world. Let us remain in Him. For this let us cast away drinking, foul speaking, false accusations, adulteries and uncleanness, anger and harshness, but be filled with kindness and gentleness in speech and manner, though being careful and wise as serpents in what we speak and do, because the devil is roaring around, waiting for an opportunity to destroy those who may stand a chance to be saved.